You've probably heard that a VSL, or video sales letter, can be an extremely effective tool for boosting conversions and driving sales. However, you may be unaware that working with a VSL copywriter like me, who has a proven way of doing things, is the best way to ensure your VSL is a success.
For instance, here's what you can expect when you partner with a VSL copywriter who has a process in place:
First, they'll help you to clearly define your copywriting conversion goals. What are you hoping to achieve with your VSL? More leads, more sales, more subscribers? Once you're sure of your goals, your VSL copywriter will work with you to create a script that's designed to achieve those goals.
Next, they'll help you choose the right format for your VSL.
Will it be a traditional video, an animated explainer video, or something else entirely? The format of your VSL should be based on your target audience and the message you're trying to communicate.
Once the format and script are finalized, it's time to start production. Your VSL copywriter will work with you throughout the production process to ensure everything goes smoothly and that the final product is on target.
Remember that a high converting video sales letter has the potential to generate millions of dollars. If you can create a VSL that crushes conversions, you could see some serious revenue.
And creating a VSL that crushes conversions often begins by finding out what's working well already and then creating a better version.
Whichever niche you're in, the process typically starts with finding the top 5 VSLs. This may involve competition research and taking a look at any controls you've got.
Then it all gets transcribed and analyzed.
This helps me identify the opening hook, structure, key pain points , key desires, the mechanism behind how the product works, and the emotional story.
Of course, all of this is just the first step on the way to creating a VSL that could exponentially increase sales and conversions.
Listen, me buckos and buckettes, I figure that you'll want to see a sample of B2C VSL copywriting.
So, I wrote the VSL below for your convenience. (Of course, I also wrote the VSL above for your convenience too. And mine.)
In any case, I have ZERO connection to the company or product in question, which is Exipure.
They didn't pay me to write it and I have no relationship with them.
I simply looked up a high gravity product on Clickbank and went to town.
I had fun with it.
Anyway, as I noted in my VSL for my VSL copywriting services , most of my career has been spent helping high tech, biotech, and software companies with one marketing problem or another.
(A few others have included alternative medicine, skin-care/beauty, supplements, financial services, real estate, restaurant management, media, film, and entertainment.)
I've never done the relationships niche, spirituality, or the make money online thing, but I'm open to it.
I think it would be fun.
But this one is all about supplements. Mmmkay?
So, without further ado.
As they used to say on Celebrity Death Match ...
"Let's get it on!"
What's that you say? I'm a bit of a poet, and YOU did not know it?
Well, that's quite all right. You'll soon become acquainted with my wit, which I dispense equally to my B2B and B2C clients.
Be ye warned.
Now, the corporate video you see directly to the left of this text is based off of a script written for Cronus Cyber Technologies.
Have ye a gander.
As a VSL writer, I understand the challenges of writing a good B2B video script. It's important to balance the visual with the spoken word, and to deliver for the audience while giving the director and voice artist everything they need to tell the story.
On-page copy also needs to sound natural and engaging when read aloud.
These are all challenges that I enjoy tackling. The video to your right was written for Sky and Space Global.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse faucibus mi ut enim faucibus, vel euismod magna blandit. Sed placerat elementum orci, quis faucibus diam pharetra eu. Nulla non sapien gravida metus feugiat efficitur consectetur id eros. Nulla at purus at dui lacinia accumsan ut nec purus. Sed a consectetur turpis, eget tincidunt turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis bibendum aliquet justo semper fringilla.
Integer felis ipsum, mattis eget est vitae, semper varius tortor. Integer sapien est, suscipit sit amet purus id, consectetur rutrum libero. Vivamus finibus, quam vel sodales euismod, augue ipsum rhoncus nisi, ut egestas enim magna ut felis. Nunc in lorem felis. Duis ut iaculis diam. Morbi id libero fringilla, accumsan orci eu, tincidunt neque. Phasellus aliquet eros tristique nisi consectetur consequat. Etiam finibus augue eget placerat tempus. Aenean tempus ligula quis nibh sodales, vel varius elit tincidunt. Praesent ornare, mi ac aliquam cursus, dolor eros sagittis dolor, vitae blandit purus tellus sed ante. Donec dignissim arcu ut venenatis sollicitudin.