
What Are Copywriter Jobs, Some of You Want to Know?

I was thinking about the best way to go about this, because asking a question like … “what are copywriter jobs?” … just seems kind of a dumb question to me.

Like, I figured it’s pretty obvious.

You want to sell a group of people something? You need to persuade and influence people. Therefore copywriter jobs are those that create the written copy for you to do that. Right?

End of story.


Well no. And so, I kind of hauled off and had to bitch slap myself for thinking that what’s obvious to ME is obvious to everyone. There’s actually a LOT of different, specific projects, that can fall into the category of copywriting jobs.

I just kind of thought asking what are copywriter jobs, what their duties are, seemed like something only people who WANT to be copywriters would even ask.

Well, I was wrong.

Business Owners and Noobs Both Wanna Know

See, I was over on Amazon tooling around and came across this book that’s all about the way companies, CEOs … you know the whole C-suite … could manipulate creative types (like yours truly) into doing their bidding.

It’s called “Dear Client: This Book Will Teach You How to Get What You Want from Creative People” and it was written way back in yesteryear before the Coronavirus monster started wrecking every nation’s economy.

Anyway, the book wasn’t as douchebaggy as the title makes it sound.

It was really all about how these executives could have honest, friendly discussions with freelance copywriters (content writers, artists, graphic artists etc.) so that these creatives will listen, and how to listen when creatives talk.

(Yes, my first description of this book was hyperbole. I can’t help it. My knee jerk reactions when I read a book’s jacket cover are sometimes unstoppable.)

Well, one of the first things these business leaders, managers, administrators, and heads of departments wish to know, is of course, what are copywriter jobs covered by wise-ass copywriters like moi?

Like … how can they communicate with me if they don’t even really know what I do?

As Coolio rapped;

They say I gotta learn, but nobody’s here to teach me

If they can’t understand it, how can they reach me?

I guess they can’t, I guess they won’t

I guess they front, that’s why I know my life is out of luck, fool!

Well, chill brother or sister. You’re in luck because I’m gonna break it down nice and easy.

The What are Copywriter Jobs List

If you hand me a shovel, I could probably start digging you a ditch, but the value I provide won’t be nearly as great as the ad I might potentially write for you and your company.

However, I’m not a generalist so I won’t write just “anything” you ask me to write because the value still isn’t high enough in my book.

For whatever writing job you want or need done, there’s likely a specialist out there.

Indeed, it’s a bit like comparing a family doctor to a brain surgeon. (I’m not knocking family doctors or copywriters who are generalists here, okay?)

But you get the picture.

For example, the family doctor would refer you to an oncologist if you had a suspected cancerous growth. You’d go to an ophthalmologist if your vision was getting blurry.

In the same way, some copywriting jobs should only go to those who specialize in certain areas like:

  • Email Copywriting
  • Landing Pages
  • Long Form Sales Letters
  • Direct Response
  • Web Copy
  • Video Scripts
  • Visual Sales Letters (not necessarily the same as video scripts)
  • Newsletters
  • Fundraising
  • Case Studies
  • White Papers

There’s more!

But, again I think you probably get the idea.

Well that’s great, you say … “But how do I find these specialist copywriters?’

The good news is that there are these things called “search engines.”

The even BETTER news, is that you’re talking to … er … reading the words of a smart-ass copywriter right now whom you can get in touch with simply by heading over to

Of course, that’s for if you’re a business type who needs copy written, or heck if you just want to shoot the you know what with a pretty amazing wizard of words.

Aaaand, if you wanna know why you should hire a copywriter instead of writing the damn thing YOURSELF … Click Here.

Help for the Copywriting Younglings Out There

On the flip side, if you’re someone who’s asking “what are copywriting jobs” because you want to learn how to DO those kinds of jobs and be a well-paid copywriter, well then!

There’s a wealth of knowledge out there on line. Some of it rocks, and some of it sucks pretty badly.

Listen though, if you wanna check out some guidance from industry experts, then I recommend checking out an article for beginners along with a quick-start guide put out by Ramit Sethi, the author of “I Will Teach You to Be Rich.” (If you haven’t read his book, you should. It’s awesome. It’s on Amazon. Go buy it.)

Now, check out How to become a copywriter: quick-start guide (for 2020).

If that’s not enough, again … there are these things called search engines … and you can find more free stuff from recognized industry leaders that can get you going.

What? You don’t want to put out the effort to look it up yourself? Well, fine. I’ll do you a solid because if you love writing, you’re already ahead of the curve. You’ve got a skill, if combined with other elements, that can propel you to online success.

That’s why I’m going to send your bad self right on over to check out Alice Seba and Ron Douglas’ WriterHelpWanted.

Alice is a veteran content marketing expert and Ron is a New York Times bestselling author, so you’re in good hands here. Collectively, they have over 25 years experience of turning their writing into a full-time income.

Anyhoo, I think the article above’s a good place to look if you are interested in the subject but don’t know anything about it.

It’ll put you on the right track.


Again, if you wanna know why you should hire a copywriter instead of writing the damn thing YOURSELF … Click Here.

Will Blesch

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